SomnusNooze e-newsletter
News, stories and updates from the world of sleep
News, stories and updates from the world of sleep
Very recently, the Hypersomnia Foundation became aware of an opportunity to help shape the future of sleep research. The National Institutes of Health, the primary source of funding for medical research in the United States, has issued a Request... read >
The deadline (April 25, 2015) is fast approaching to apply for the 2015 Hypersomnia Conference scholarship, but your chances of being selected have significantly improved. Over the past week, several anonymous donors have paid for additional... read >
Be sure to grab your 2015 Hypersomnia Conference ticket while they are available. The 2015 Hypersomnia Conference ticket includes entry to the conference event on Saturday 07/18/15 and includes a continental breakfast, buffet lunch, as well as a buffet... read >
Looking to extend your conference experience with a social event? Staying at the Emory Conference Center Hotel Saturday night? Join us for a Pajama Party Saturday evening after the conference! Come join your friends for a cosmic bowling tournament, pool... read >
Will you be arriving Friday morning? Consider joining us for this fun social event on Friday. We will be taking an afternoon trip to the Georgia Aquarium. Your ticket includes charter bus transportation to and from the Aquarium, and your entrance into the... read >