SomnusNooze e-newsletter
News, stories and updates from the world of sleep
News, stories and updates from the world of sleep
Plans are well underway for the 2018 Hypersomnia Foundation conference, which will be held on June 2-3 at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront hotel. The conference festivities will start on Friday evening (June 1) with a casual meet-and-greet event at the... read >
For updated content, visit our web page “Financial considerations for dependent adult children with sleep disorders” Authored by Anjel Burgess, Esq. As the baby boomers enter retirement, some are discovering that all of their hard work has... read >
Global Genes, a leading global non-profit advocacy organization for individuals with rare and genetic diseases, has announced a new program that will help patients with rare diseases (such as idiopathic hypersomnia) educate the next generation of doctors... read >
Need a summer road trip? Want to meet others with IH and learn more about the latest research? Then pack your bags and join us at the 2018 HF conference, to be held in Baltimore on June 2-3! #HFconf #BeyondSleepy Register now! read >
Partnering for the first time with Project Sleep’s Jack and Julie Narcolepsy Scholarship program, HF is providing funds to support a $1000 scholarship. High school seniors diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnia and planning to attend a... read >
The Hypersomnia Foundation is excited to welcome the Marigold Foundation as a community partner in our commitment to improving the lives of people living with idiopathic hypersomnia and related sleep disorders. The Marigold Foundation is committed to the... read >
It seems like everything these days is by subscription model – just think Netflix or Hulu. Why? It’s because technology has made such automatic monthly payment systems easier than ever before. It’s the same in the nonprofit world. New technology... read >
All of us on the Board of the Hypersomnia Foundation would like to thank every one of our supporters for making our 2017 fundraising efforts such a success. The HF finished the last two months of the year strong, first by participating in Facebook’s... read >
If you have visited since last fall, you probably noticed our site has a new look. Although this new site went “live” in September 2017, we’ve been working hard since then to build it out further before introducing the... read >
For updated content, visit our web page "Financial considerations for dependent adult children with sleep disorders" If you or your young adult is 25 years old, then decisions will need to be made before the age of 26 about securing health... read >