
Introducing the Updated HF Brochure!

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In 2014, the Hypersomnia Foundation (HF) published a brochure written for people with idiopathic hypersomnia and their supporters. Since that time, over 3,500 brochures have been sent to physicians’ offices, at their request, for distribution. We have also distributed HF brochures at conferences to help raise awareness about idiopathic hypersomnia and related disorders and the devastating impact they can have on people’s lives.

Today we are pleased to announce an updated version of the HF brochure for people with IH and their supporters. This brochure has been vetted by our Medical Advisory Board and provides general information relating to the symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, and research of IH. It also gives pertinent information about the HF.

Do you know someone with whom you would like to share vetted information about IH?  Perhaps a family member, a friend, or someone at work or school. We offer a printable version on our website.

Do you see a healthcare provider who understands your IH? Please feel free to share that the HF has a vetted brochure that they can request in order to have available to distribute to their patients.

Finally, a donation of $30 helps the HF provide 25 brochures to a physicians’ office for distribution, helping to increase awareness and information about IH.

Here’s the downloadable version of our brochure: 

Order printed brochures here: 


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