hormonesHormones are chemicals that help different parts of your body know how they should work. << Back to glossary index Related web pages: What are hypersomnia sleep disorders, such as idiopathic hypersomnia, narcolepsy types 1 and 2, and Kleine-Levin syndrome?Treating people who have idiopathic hypersomnia or narcolepsyMedicines for idiopathic hypersomnia and narcolepsyGlossary: melatoninGlossary: levothyroxineGlossary: intrauterine device [IUD]Pregnancy and safe baby careClinician support for pregnancy and safe baby careProfessionals working with people who have hypersomniasFinding doctors, medicines, and treatments for hypersomniasGlossary: birth control patchGlossary: birth control ringGlossary: birth control pillsGlossary: birth control implantGlossary: sleep stagesGlossary: narcolepsyGlossary: circadianOur top resourcesGlossaryAsk the Doctor: Do Women’s Hormones Affect Their Hypersomnias?