A New Era for IH - 2024 End of Year CampaignA New Era for IH - 2024 End of Year Campaign

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We’re working together to educate, empower, and support people who have idiopathic hypersomnia and related sleep disorders. Welcome to the Hypersomnia Foundation community!

Do you wake up unrefreshed, even though you slept all night? Do you feel sleepy during the day, struggling to stay awake or alert? Has this excessive sleepiness impacted your daily life for a few months or more? If so, you might have idiopathic hypersomnia or a related hypersomnia sleep disorder. We understand, and we can help.

What are hypersomnia sleep disorders?

Hypersomnia sleep disorders are a group of long-lasting (chronic) sleep disorders of the brain — neurologic disorders. They cause excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), which is a strong daytime sleepiness or need to sleep during the day, even with enough sleep the night before.

People with hypersomnia sleep disorders may have other symptoms that affect their sleep and their ability to function during the day. They often live without a correct diagnosis for a long time. They may blame themselves and struggle to keep up with work, studies, and relationships.

Hypersomnia sleep disorders include: 

Hypersomnia Foundation

Why are we the Hypersomnia Foundation?

We formed our foundation in 2014 to support people with idiopathic hypersomnia and the related hypersomnia sleep disorders, and we welcome people with all hypersomnia disorders to our community.

These disorders overlap, especially idiopathic hypersomnia and narcolepsy type 2, so we firmly believe that improvements in diagnosis, treatment, and support are more likely when we all join together.

Read about hypersomnia sleep disorders

Hypersomnia sleep disorders aren’t all the same. Each can present unique challenges. In this section, you’ll read about the different hypersomnias. Which one best describes you?

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Health Insurance

Finding doctors, medicines, and treatments for hypersomnias

Whether you’re already diagnosed with a hypersomnia sleep disorder or not, you’ll want to find a sleep doctor and get treatment. You may also need resources to help you avoid interactions with hormone medicines and prepare for anesthesia, hospital stays, pregnancy, and parenting babies. We can help!

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Living with a hypersomnia sleep disorder

Whether you’ve recently been diagnosed with a sleep disorder, you’ve been living with it for a while, or you're a supporter, day-to-day living can present you with overwhelming challenges. Don’t worry — we’ve got many resources to help guide you, on topics such as: 

  • Educating others about what it’s like to live with a hypersomnia
  • Going to school or working while coping with a hypersomnia
  • Health insurance denials and high out-of-pocket costs for medicines
  • Supporting a loved one who has a sleep disorder

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Resources for professionals working with people who have hypersomnias

If you’re a healthcare professional or researcher working with people who have idiopathic hypersomnia  or related sleep disorders, you’ll find resources for: 

  • Diagnosis and treatment of hypersomnias, including adjustments for birth control, pregnancy, and anesthesia
  • Joining our International Directory of Healthcare Professionals
  • Researchers, including our research award programs and guides to working with people who have hypersomnias

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Get involved

Hypersomnias aren’t in the mainstream of healthcare, so we encourage you to advocate and take an active role in the hypersomnia community. Find out different ways to get involved, such as donating, attending our events, and participating in our registry or a clinical trial.

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Published Mar. 10, 2020 |
Revised Oct. 21, 2024
Complete update Jan. 19, 2024